
About Us


Healthy individuals, families, and communities with equitable and quality health care for all.


Advance access to comprehensive primary care services for all, with special emphasis on those most in need in Vermont and New Hampshire.


Bi-State is the Primary Care Association serving New Hampshire and Vermont. Bi-State provides training and technical assistance to Federally Qualified Health Centers and Look-Alikes to improve programmatic, clinical, operational, and financial performance.

Bi-State Staff

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If you need assistance or don’t know who to contact, please call or email Clem Noone:

[email protected]
(802) 229-0002 x 225


Kristen Bigelow-Talbert, MSHM, CPHQ

Senior Program Manager, Health Quality

Food Access and Health Care Network Director

[email protected]

(802) 229-0002 x 220


Kevin Criscione
Project Coordinator, Workforce Recruitment

[email protected]

(603) 228-2830 x 135


Nicol Dorciak

Facilitator, Data and Engagement

[email protected]

603-228-2830 x 230


Colleen Dowling
Communications and Development Manager

[email protected]

(603) 228-2830 x 127


Claire Hodgman, RACR
Recruitment Specialist

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 115


Nancy Hoyt
Recruitment Coordinator for Behavioral Health & Substance Use Disorder Clinicians

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 133


Janet Hunt

Workforce Initiatives Facilitator

[email protected]

(603) 228-2830 x 132


Crystal Islam

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 142



Beverly Kowarik
Executive Assistant to the President/CEO

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 123


Tess Stack Kuenning, CNS, MS, RN
President and Chief Executive Officer

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 112


Robin Lepage
Senior Accountant

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 119


Georgia J. Maheras, Esq.
Senior Vice President of Policy and Strategy

[email protected]
(802) 229-0002 x 218


Kimberly Martin

Senior Director, Finance and Administration

Requests for employment verification for Bi-State employees should be directed to Kim Martin.

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 122


Mary Kate Mohlman, PhD, MS
Director, Vermont Public Policy

[email protected]
802-229-0002 x 223


Clementine Noone
Program Assistant

[email protected]
(802)-229-0002 x 225


Stephanie Pagliuca
Senior Director, Workforce Development and Recruitment

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 111


Suzanne Palmer
Executive Assistant, Office of Human Resources, Information Technology, Finance, and Business Development

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 139

Jamie Rainville
Manager, Special Projects

[email protected]

802-229-0002 x 227


Lori H. Real, MHA

Executive Vice President, Talent and Culture, Finance, and Information Technology Privacy & Compliance Officer

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 114


Rebecca Rocheleau
Health Policy Advisor

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 141


Lauri Scharf, MS
Senior Program Manager, Health Care Informatics

[email protected]
(802) 229-0002 x 224


Kate Simmons, MBA, MPH
Senior Director, Operations

[email protected]
(802) 229-0002 x 217


Heather E. Skeels
Director, Health Data Operations; Project Director, VRHA

[email protected]
(802) 229-0002 x 210


Kristine E. Stoddard, Esq.
Senior Director, New Hampshire Public Policy

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 113


Adam Woodall, CISSP, CSCS
Senior Manager, Information Technology and Security Compliance Officer


James Zibailo
Director, NH Community Health Systems

[email protected]
(603) 228-2830 x 124


Bi-State Recruitment Center

Bi-State’s Recruitment Center recruits health care providers nationally to work in NH and VT, builds pathways from education to employment, and supports policies that help recruit and retain our health care workforce.