Substance use disorder and other behavioral health resources are available at the National Council for Behavioral Health. Recovery Coach Training is available locally. Contact New Futures for information: (603) 225-9540
Substance use disorder and other behavioral health resources are available at the National Council for Behavioral Health. Recovery Coach Training is available locally. Contact New Futures for information: (603) 225-9540
Bi-State Primary Care Association is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization that represents Community Health Centers and safety-net providers serving over 315,400 patients at 143 locations throughout New Hampshire and Vermont. Bi-State’s 26 members include Community Health Centers, the Community Health Access Network, North Country Health Consortium, the NH Area Health Education Center, Planned Parenthood of Northern New England and Vermont’s Free and Referral Clinics. Bi-State promotes access to quality, affordable primary health care with an emphasis on reaching underserved populations.
Bi-State Primary Care Association was founded as a 501(c)3 charitable organization in 1986 with offices in Bow, New Hampshire, and Montpelier, Vermont, and holds a cooperative agreement with the Health Resources and Services Administration Bureau of Primary Health Care (BPHC) to provide training and technical assistance (T/TA) to safety-net providers. This T/TA is based on statewide and regional needs to help health centers improve programmatic, clinical, and financial performance and operations. Under this cooperative agreement, Bi-State supports health centers with strategic growth planning and support recruiting and retaining their health care workforce. For more information on the role of Primary Care Associations, please visit the [http://BPHC%20website.%20https:/]BPHC website. Bi-State also operates the NH/VT Recruitment Center.
If you have any questions or need assistance navigating and interpreting this site, please contact Clem Noone, Administrative Assistant, at [email protected] or (802) 229-0002 x 225. Google Chrome is the recommended browser.
525 Clinton Street, Bow, NH 03304
603-228-2830 Fax: 603-224-2464
61 Elm Street, Montpelier, VT 05602
802-229-0002 Fax: 802-223-2336
© 2022 – Bi-State Primary Care Association. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Terms and Conditions.
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